Absolute Physical Therapy Website: absolutept.net Tel: (207) 942-2233 Location: Bangor, ME Allen's Drain Cleaning and Septic Pumping Services Website: AllensEnvironmentalServices.com Tel: (207) 764-9336 Locations in Presque Isle and Hampden Allen's Environmental Services Website: AllensEnviro.com Tel: (207) 764-9336 Locations: Presque Isle and Hampden Allsport Performance Website: mainegundealer.com Tel: (207) 848-4995 Location: Hermon, ME Ames Chiropractic Website: ameschiro.net Tel: (207) 907-2637 Locations: Dexter, ME Lincoln, ME Aroostook Trusses Website: aroostooktrusses.com Tel: (207) 768-5817 Location: Presque Isle, ME Ashes to Ashes Pet Crematory Website: ashestoashespetcrematory.com Tel: (207) 943-6474 Location: LaGrange, ME B: Bangor Aviator Hotel Website: bangoraviator.com Tel: (207) 947-6721 Location: Bangor, ME Bangor Christian School Website: bangorchristian.com Tel: (207) 947-7356 Location: Bangor, ME Bates Fuel Company Tel: (207) 365-4292 Location: Houlton, ME Branco Insurance Representative Jim Bran Tel: (207) 416-5961 Location: Veazie, ME Brown's Plumbing Tel: (207) 997-3436 Location: Blanchard, ME C: Caron Signs Website: caronsigns.com Tel: (207) 848-7889 Location: Hermon, ME Carroll Drug Store Website: facebook.com/CarrollDrug Tel: (207) 244-5588 Location: Southwest Harbor, ME Chick-Fil-A Website: chick-fil-a.com Tel: (207) 262-3752 Location: Bangor, ME Christian Education League Website: cclmaine.org Tel: (207) 622-7634 Location: Augusta, ME Corinth Laundromat Tel: (207) 991-0768 Location: Corinth, ME Country Cottage Antiques Tel: (207) 234-4101 Location: Newburgh, ME Cross Insurance Website: crossagency.com Tel: (207) 947-7345 or 800-999-7345 Location: Bangor, ME Cross Properties Website: oronoapartmentrentals.com Tel: (207) 866-7867 Location: Orono, ME Crosspoint Church Website: crosspointbangor.com Tel: (207) 947-6576 Location: Bangor, ME E: Eagle Financial Strategies Website: eaglefinancialstrategies.com Tel: (207) 989-5522 Location: Bangor, ME Eastwood Contractors, Inc. Tel: (207) 989-2530 Location: Brewer, ME Eli's Market Website: ElisMarlets.com Tel: (207) 876-2282 Location: Guildford, ME Emery's Meat & Produce Website: emerysmeatbrewer.com Tel: (207) 922-2673 Location: Brewer, ME F: F. A. Peabody Website: fapeabody.com Tel: (207) 532-2291 Location: Houlton, ME Faith Bible College International Website: faithbci.org Tel: (207) 285-3373, Ext 295 Location: Charleston, ME Firm Foundation Foot Care Website: firmfoundationfootcare.com Tel: (207) 664-9619 Location: Ellsworth, ME First Choice Real Estate Website: mainelandbroker.com Tel: (207) 504-1456 Location: Throughout Maine Fox Family Potato Chips Website: foxfamilypotatochips.com Tel: (207) 760-8400 Location: Mapleton, ME Frost Foundation Tel: (207) 884-4095 Location: Glenburn, ME Full Circle Printing Website: fullcircleprintingsolutions.com Tel: (207) 667-5227 Location: Ellsworth, ME Furniture Mattresses and More Website: fmmbangor.com Tel: (207) 941-0055 Location: Bangor, ME G: Glad Tidings Church Website: gladtidingschurch.online Tel: (207) 947-0324 Location: Bangor, ME Grace Evangelical College and Seminary Website: gecs.us Tel: (207) 945-1665 Location: Bangor, ME H: Harbor Shore Landscaping, LLC Website: HarborShoreLandscaping.com Tel: (207) 945-1440 Location: Orrington, ME Highview Christian Academy Website: Highviewchristianacademy.net Tel: (207) 285-7978 Location: Charleston, ME House 27:4 Website: house274.com Location: Bangor, ME Hydrograsscorp.com Website: hydrograsscorp.com Tel: (207) 487-2733 Location: Pittsfield, ME |
![]() J:
Jeff's Auto Repair Tel: (207) 570-4171 Location: Newburgh, ME JRT Home Solutions LLC Website: JRTHomeSolutions.com Tel: (207) 460-4104 Location: Hancock, ME K: Key Lock and Safe Website: keylockandsafe.com Tel: (207) 745-3557 Location: Etna, ME KR Electric Tel: (207) 521-6301 Location: Carmel, ME L: Lee Builders Website:facebook.com/LEEBuildersBangor Tel: (207) 991-2334 Location: Glenburn, ME Libby Outposts Website: Libbyoutposts.com Tel: (207) 420-2400 Email: [email protected] Location: Castle Hill, ME Linnehan's Right Way Auto Website: rightwayauto.com Tel: (207) 922-2277 Locations: Griffin Rd, Bangor Downeast Highway, Ellsworth M: Maine Land, Inc. Website: treelineinc.biz Tel: (207) 794-2044 Location: Lincoln, ME Maritime International Tel: (207) 941-8372 Location: Bangor, ME Martin Quality Home Builders, LLC Tel: (207) 280-0648 Location: Monson, ME Med-A-Vision Tel: (207) 942-9040 Location: Bangor, ME Memory Lane Assisted Living LLC Tel: (207) 356-4131 Location: Hermon, ME Mirus Academy Website: mirusacademy.info Tel: (207) 664-4698 Location: Southwest Harbor, ME My Bookkeeping Doctor Website: mybookkeepingdoctor.com Tel: (207) 808-1008 Location: Bar Harbor, ME P: Parker Ridge Retirement Community Website: ParkerRidge.com Tel: (207) 374-5789 Location: Blue Hill, ME Pat's Pizza - Hampden Website: patspizzahampden.com Tel: (207) 947-6488 Location: Hampden, ME Penobscot Christian School Website: penobscotchristian.org Tel: (207) 947-2704 Location: Bangor, ME Prevention Works Dental Hygiene Care Website: alissawade.com Tel: (207) 907-2528 Location: Bangor, ME R: Realty of Maine Website: RealtyOfMaine.com Tel: (207) 942-6310 Location: Bangor, ME Rent Bangor.com Website: rentbangor.com Tel: (207) 974-6606 or 800-726-8830 Location: Bangor, ME Roto Rooter Tel: (207) 990-1234 Location: Brewer, ME Rowe's Garage Website: Rowe's Garage Tel: (207) 285-3212 Location: Corinth, ME S: S J Rollins Website: sjrollins.com Tel: (207) 941-0264 Location: Bangor, ME Stanley Buick Website: stanleychevybuick.com Tel: (207) 338-1470 Location: Belfast, ME Stanley Chevrolet Website: stanleychevybuick.com Tel: (207) 338-1470 Location: Belfast, ME Sweet Frog Website: SweetFrog.com Tel: (207) 990-3811 Location: Bangor, ME T: TB Equipment Website: tbequipment.net Tel: (207) 262-0014 Location: Bangor, ME The Growing Place Tel: (207) 941-1055 Location: Bangor, ME Thompson Financial Group Website: GrowWithTFG.com Tel: (207) 764-3302 Location: Presque Isle and Bangor Tim Horton's Website: timhortons.com Locations: Bangor- Tel: (207) 262-0171 Trident Medical: Website: mytridenthealth.org Tel: (844) 214-1450 x100 Location: Carmel, ME U: United Country Real Estate Lifestyle Properties Of Maine Website: lifestylepropertiesofmaine.com Tel: (207) 794-4338 Locations: Bangor, Lincoln and Lubec, ME W: Ware's Power Equipment LLC Website: Warespower.com Tel: (207) 794-2809 Location: Lincoln, ME Watch Me Shine Website: watchmeshine.net Tel: (207) 990-0162 Location: Bangor, ME Whitney's Family Supermarket Website: Whitneysfamilysupermarket.com Tel: (207) 285-7500 Locations: Corinth, ME Wilderness Escape Outfitters Website: WildernessEscape.com Tel: (207) 448-3238 Location: Danforth, ME Willow Tree Occupational Therapy Website: willowtreeot.com Tel: (207) 659-1453 Location: Corinth, ME WVII ABC 7 WFVX Fox 22 Tel: (207) 945-6457 Location: Bangor, ME |
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1476 Broadway, Bangor, ME 04401
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