The WHCF Community Calendar
We are happy to share your event on our Events Calendar, and on the air when possible. We recommend that you tell us about your event at least two weeks in advance, but the sooner, the better! Broadcast and/or publication of events is at the sole discretion of WHCF FM. We may need to edit for space or time. If you need further information, contact Nelson at [email protected] or Brandi at [email protected].
February 22: Brady Nickerson Foundation annual family fishing derby 8am-1pm at Prince Thomas Park in Lincoln, ME 2 Lake ST-Mattawoncook Lake. All kids receive a prize. Top 3 heaviest fish caught by adults and kids will win BIG prizes! Funds raised by this event go towards our mission of pediatric cancer awareness, supporting youth sports programs, and scholarships. For more information or to register, email The Brady Nickerson Foundation at [email protected].
February 22: Lincoln Lakes Region Chamber Chili & Chowdah Cook-off Love chili? Love chowder? Then you can't miss the Lincoln Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce's Chili & Chowdah Cook-off! 🍲 Join us on Saturday, February 22nd from 2-4pm at Stewart Professional Learning Center for an afternoon of delicious tastings and friendly competition. For just $5 at the door, sample every chili and chowder entry and vote for your favorite. Learn more at
February 22: Community NARCAN Training hosted by "Save a Life Recovery Center" held at 10 Bridge Rd, Howland at 11:00am.
Training and hear inspiring stories of those in recovery. Call 2074039100 with any questions
March 6: Black Balloon Day at Save A Life Recovery Resource Center 19 VFW St, Lincoln at 6pm. Remember those we have lost to substance use in a welcoming environment. Call 2074039100 for more information.
April 4-5: Return Women Conference "Count it all Joy" will be held at Maine Coast Baptist Church. Friday's session and connect group will begin at 6:30pm (doors open at 5:30pm). Saturday's session will be from 9:00 am-4:00 pm lunch is included. Registration is $20 before March 9th, $25 after March 9th, and $30 at the door. Any questions contact Kathy Sobel at 207-565-0975 or email [email protected]. More information is available on their Facebook page Return Conference ME.
April 25-27: Weekend to Remember Maine Portland ME - Sable Oaks South Portland. Refresh your marriage with great workshops for newlyweds, seasoned marriages, blended families, military families, law enforcement and community service families - come laugh, learn and meet new friends! 50% off if you register by January 20, 2025.
April 26: Women's Conference This event will be held at First Baptist Church of Harmony, 20 High Street, Harmony, Maine. The day begins at 8 a.m. with a coffee break and concludes at 3 p.m. Lunch will be provided. This is a free event with the opportunity to donate to help cover expenses. Ginger Millermon, speaker, songwriter, and recording artist, will be our guest speaker at our women's conference, which will be based on her life-changing testimony and music. Pre-registration is encouraged; call Emmy Young at 207-343-1315, or respond on our Facebook event page: Ginger Millermon Everything We Need, His Strength for Our Journey.
May 24: Weekend to Remember Maine Portland ME - Sable Oaks South Portland. Refresh your marriage with great workshops for newlyweds, seasoned marriages, blended families, military families, law enforcement and community service families - come laugh, learn and meet new friends! 50% off if you register by January 20, 2025.
Central Maine Good News Clubs: During the school year
Corinth: Every Friday from 2:30-4:00 pm at the Central Community School contact is Karen Partridge 207-974-8750
Dexter: Every Tuesday from 2:45-4:30 pm at the Riverview Community School contact is Jana Gerardi 207-370-5737
Dover-Foxcroft: Every Thursday from 3:00-4:30 pm at Calvary Chapel Maine Highlands contact is Erin Bridges 207-343-2776
Enfield: Every Wednesday from 2:05-3:30 pm at Enfield Station School contact is Susie Babineau 207-290-2317
Glenburn: Every Monday from 2:45-3:45 pm at Glenburn Elementary School contact is Kim Allen 207-257-2965
Hampden: Every Monday from 3:05-4:30 pm at the Weatherbee School Room 204 contact is Susan Nygren 207-659-5255
Hermon: Every Monday from 3:15-4:45 pm at Patricia A. Dunn Elementary School contact is Leah Cravin 207-745-8857
Kingman: Every Wednesday from 2:00-4:00 pm at Kingman Elementary School contact is Maryann Hanscom 207-456-7534
Knox: Every Thursday from 6:00-7:15 pm at the Knox Ridge Baptist Church contact is Jon Dowdy 207-322-9874
Levant: Every Wednesday from 3:00-4:30 pm at the Suzanne Smith School contact is Wendy Tate 207-852-5186
Lincolnville: Every Thursday from 3:00-4:30 pm at Lincolnville Central School contact is Becky Richards 207-242-8854
Newport: Every Monday from school release to 4:00 pm at Sebasticook Valley Elementary contact is Gina Gilley 207-341-0910
Sangerville: Every Tuesday from 3:15-4:45 pm at Grace Bible Church contact is Tracy Santos 207-217-8169
Winterport: Every Thursday from 2:15-4:00 pm at Leroy Smith School contact is Midge Clements 207-223-2259
Ongoing: New Hope Baptist Church in Dexter Maine hosts youth group every week on Wednesday nights at 5pm to 7pm and Sundays 12pm to 2pm (we serve lunch on Sundays). It's for grades 6th to 12th. It is at 130 Spring street Dexter Maine. For more information you can call the church at 207-924-7419, or call 207-210-0616. Or email at [email protected]
Ongoing: Spaghetti Dinner at Lincoln Center Baptist Church - every 4th Thursday of the month. Free Spaghetti & Meatball Dinner with garlic bread, drinks & dessert. Dinner is served from 4:00 - 6:00 PM. The church also offers a chairlift for those who need handicap accessibility. Address is 523 Main Street, Lincoln, Maine, 04457
Ongoing: Farmer's Market Fridays from 3-6 pm in Holden at the Historical Society by Freshies. There will be handmade jams, crafts., veggies and more. For more information, call Kerry at 207-992-3692.
Ongoing: Addiction Recovery Group, Every Tuesday Night, 6:00PM, Calvary Chapel, 658 Main Street, Calais. Leader: Jason Olsson; Child Care Provided; Potluck & Testimony Night on 2nd Tuesday of each month. Phone: 207-952-9312
Email: [email protected]
Ongoing: Soup Kitchen every Tuesday evening from 5-6:30 PM beginning November 16th at Machias Christian Fellowship, 3 Davis Road. A hot, home cooked meal will be provided for anyone who needs it. For more information, follow the MCF Soup Kitchen Facebook page or call Kylie Lenfestey at 207-598-0583.
Ongoing: Connect Youth This event is put on by multiple churches and pastors working together, it is not one organization. This is an interdenominational youth event. It is for ages 11-18. This event's purpose is to connect youth with each other and with Jesus and the vision is to unite youth groups in the region. This upcoming month on August 5, it will be at Crossing Life Church in Carmel. We will have food, games, worship, and a message. This is a free event. It is from 6-9 pm Friday nights. To find out the location of the upcoming gatherings, you can follow connectYTH on IG or Facebook. You can contact Jessica Delgado at (207) 249-8822 or Michael Tremblay at (603) 534-2178.
Ongoing: Campus Life after school program. Open every Thursday after school until 4:30. After school snack/meal is provided open to all middle and high school students. Located at the love alliance building in Howland (across from the Howland town office).
Ongoing: Celebrate Recovery, a Christ centered 12 step program, meets every Saturday at the Mansion Church, 96 Center St. in Bangor at 6:00 PM. For more information, call 207-949-2273.
Ongoing: Abortion Recovery Abortion recovery class begins September 11 Monday 6 pm. This is a 9-week class called "Forgiven and Set Free." Most women regret their choice to abort their child(ren). First Step Pregnancy Resource Center offers a biblically sound healing program that tackles this issue that most women keep hidden for fear of judgement and shame and believe it is unforgivable which is so far from the truth. If you truly wish to be forgiven and set free contact First Step at 942-1611, email info@ It is a safe, friendly and confidential environment where you will meet others that share the same choice and grieve alongside.
Ongoing: The God Chapter A Christian Motorcycle Ministry Group meets 1st Saturday of the month at 4PM, and would like to invite anyone who would like to attend. Only cost is price of your meal, drink, and waitstaff gratuity. Currently being held at China Hill Restaurant in Ellsworth, Maine. A free will offering will be taken for ministry costs. If you would like to get involved in a year round active motorcycle ministry than please do come. You can also contact the Chapter President, Ralph Rumill.
Ongoing: Solid Rock Cure for Addiction Meetings every Tuesday night at 7:00 PM at Calvary Chapel Kennebec Valley, 165 River Rd., Fairfield. Applying Biblical truth to the root of addiction. For more information, call 509-5528 or visit Facebook/Solid Rock.
Ongoing: Welcome To Housing has helped individuals and families as they move from shelter programs to a place of their own. We provide home goods, kitchen, bed and bath items donated through the community! visit for more information
Ongoing: The Serenity Recovery Group is a support group for recovering alcoholics, those who are currently struggling with alcohol addiction or live with someone who is. They meet at Crosspoint Church, 1476 Broadway in Bangor Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM in Room 8 . For more information contact the church office at (207) 947-6576.
Ongoing: Adoptive and Foster Families of Maine Inc. and the Kinship Program is a non-profit organization that partners with DHHS to provide support, training , education, listening support, referrals and materials goods to Resource parents (foster, adoptive, kinship and permanency guardianship provided). The services are also available to families who are not involved with DHHS. The organization is located at 34 Main Street, Orono. More information is available by calling (207) 827-2331, fax (207) 889-6978, or email [email protected]t or visit their website at
Ongoing: Guilford United Methodist Church Food Cupboard is open on Wednesdays from 1:30 to 3:00 PM and is available to anyone needing assistance who lives in Elliotsville, Monson, Willimantic, Blanchard, Abbot, Guilford, Sangerville, Parkman, Wellington or Cambridge. Food Cupboard is located at 3 School Street in Guilford.
Ongoing: Partnership Food Pantry- Guilford is open to anyone with unmet food needs. They operate the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month from noon until 3:00 PM, and as needed on an emergency basis. They are located at 84 Elm Street in Guilford, ME and may be reached by phone at (207) 518-8833.
Ongoing: Spaghetti Dinner at Lincoln Center Baptist Church - every 4th Thursday of the month. Free Spaghetti & Meatball Dinner with garlic bread, drinks & dessert. Dinner is served from 4:00 - 6:00 PM. The church also offers a chairlift for those who need handicap accessibility. Address is 523 Main Street, Lincoln, Maine, 04457
Ongoing: Partnership Food Pantry- Greenville is open to anyone with unmet food needs. They operate the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month from 11:00 AM to noon, and as needed on an emergency basis. They are located behind the fire station on Minden Street in Greenville and may be reached by phone at (207) 518-8833.
Ongoing: Momentum Student Ministries at The Rock Church, Ohio Street, Bangor. A monthly gathering of local youth in the greater Bangor area. Live music, food, prizes and a message from a local Youth Pastor. Always the 1st Wednesday of every month from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. #momentuminbangor or
Ongoing: Bib and Tucker Food and Clothing Ministry located at Christian Ridge Church on Christian Ridge Rd, Ellsworth. Serving the Ellsworth and surrounding areas. Opened Monday 12:00 to 2:00 PM; Thursday and Friday from 10:00 AM - Noon. For more details, please call (207) 613-4566.
Ongoing: Safe families for Children creates extended family-like supports for desperate families through a community of devoted volunteers who are motivated by faith to keep children safe and keep families together. SFFC is a movement of local churches who volunteer in locations throughout Maine. Please go to to see how you and/or your church can participate in this 'loving your neighbor' the Safe Families way. You may also contact Robin Chamberlain at (207) 263-5530 or [email protected]
Ongoing: Youth and Kids' Club each Wednesday evening from 5:30 to 7:00 PM at Glad Tidings Church, 1033 Broadway, Bangor, Maine. Students from high school down to pre-K choose either sports or crafts followed by Bible time (elementary or teen) and then a light dinner. Free of charge. For more information please call (207) 941-0324.
Ongoing: Second Chance Clothing at First Baptist Church of Waldoboro will be open the first Saturday of each month from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. They offer FREE, clean, gently used, quality clothing for men, women, children, and infants. They also offer quality shoes and some dressy shoes. Please contact Debbie at (207) 701-9770 for more information and follow us on Facebook.
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1476 Broadway, Bangor, ME 04401
(207) 947-2751
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1476 Broadway, Bangor, ME 04401
(207) 947-2751
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