From Bonaire, TWR’s signal is very good in the eastern third of Cuba, useful most of the time in central Cuba, but not strong enough in western Cuba. At this time of unprecedented change, large numbers of Cubans are searching for something to believe. Thousands of house church pastors are led by young believers. They and other listeners are praying and pleading with TWR for a stronger signal from Bonaire to bring clear biblical teaching. |
To cover Cuba with the Gospel, we need to help boost their signal strength. An upgrade like this is no small task—it will cost $3.8 million over the next few years. Yet as daunting as $3.8 million appears, in 60 years of ministry, we have seen God overcome challenges like this again and again. Countless people simply gave as they were led. And this partnership goes far beyond the borders of our country. Already, our TWR national partners in the Americas are leading the way with an unprecedented challenge gift of $390,000. And a radio group from Papua New Guinea in the South Pacific has donated $3,000 towards reaching the people of Cuba! |
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